1. Very well thought out and organized article.  Affiliate marketing is a brilliant way to start an online and lucrative business.  But it can be confusing, so clear, careful guidance is worth a lot.I have a question about driving traffic.  I’ve read that both Facebook and Instagram are very hard on new online businesses.  That unless your site is, like, 5 years old, they make it very hard for you to get any traffic.  They don’t want their users leaving the platform, I guess.  And I’ve heard that Google punishes new sites, too.  What do you know about Pinterest?  I’ve heard it’s excellent for new websites.  And that you can do affiliate marketing there, even with out a website.  This sounds like the place to start, with my new site.  Do you have any insights into this?Thanks in advance,Anna

    1. Hello Anna,

      Thank you for the feedback. Any beginning is harder and starting an online business is no exception. Besides the standard challenges that come with this action, the most common one is that of driving traffic. Of course, taking advantage of social media channels is one of the strategies often used by marketers.

      But here, I want to point out that not all social media channels are suitable for every niche. Some niches can be promoted more visually on platforms such as Pinterest, Youtube, Instagram, Snapchat, Tik Tok or reading (and visually) such as Facebook, X (Twitter), LinkedIn, Medium. There is no standard. With each niche, there must be a trial process.

      You can start with one or three social media channels. Follow the analytics consistently for a while to see the direction the traction is heading. After a period, explore others. This way, you can eliminate those not profitable for you and only remain with the effective ones specific to your niche. You can run paid ads, but those also do not guarantee traffic or sales.

      As for Google, that’s another story. In recent years, Google is no longer so reliable. Its ranking algorithms change very often, which is why previously high-traffic sites have seen a substantial drop in the last year.

      After the latest change in the ranking algorithm, it seems that Google now favors authoritative sites. The authority that a site gains after a substantial period of time. That is why, at the moment, new sites face difficulties from Google.

  2. Creating my site was the fun part, finding affiliate’s to work with me was great too, but getting traffic is another story. then add on traffic that will actually engage and buy products available on my site is another long frustration, but I’m starting to get the hang of it after a lot of trial and error. Thank you.

    1. Hi Dash,

      I can empathize with your frustrations regarding traffic, because I went through this phase too, especially at the beginning with my first website. Every marketer experiences this feeling. From my own experience, the more we say that we have tried everything, the more we prove that it is not so. It’s just a matter of strategy. We all rely only on standard strategies to bring traffic (SEO Optimization, Quality Content, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing) which are very good. But we don’t think outside the box, that the niche we choose plays an important role, and can offer us non-standard strategies: Offline Marketing Integration, Community Building, Influencer Collaborations, to name a few. All these I will cover in an article on this topic, so stay tuned for the new updates.

  3. Hei there,I just skimmed through your 4-step rocket launch to online business success. You have simplified the Herculean task of starting an online business into something that almost seems too easy. But I’m wondering about something: You mentioned building a website in under a minute. In a world where I can’t even make instant noodles that quickly, how does one ensure quality is not being savaged at the rapid feet of haste? Is there a balance to be had, or are we diving headfirst into its digital equivalent of an oven dinner? Thank you for your work and sharing your insights.Best regards,MAkhsud

    1. Hello Makhsud,

      You made me smile. Nice comparison. First of all, I want to mention that in the article I specified creating a website, and not building it. They are two different things. You can create a website in less than a minute. You can even take a test with the Siterubix platform provided in the article. As for building a website, is another story that I will explain in another article.

      But to make a short summary, I will mention that various factors must be considered such as Web Design, Web Hosting Provider, SEO Optimization, Website Security, Analytics, etc. As you can see, the term creating is not the same as building.

      To achieve a goal, you have to establish some steps. At first, if we look at them as a whole, can seem gigantic and can make us change our opinion. But if we chunk each step down in little action steps, the giant doesn’t seem so big, on the contrary, it’s much easier for us to process it. The same thing can be transposed in building an online business.

  4. Hey great job keeping it simple here. It really is all about those 4 steps to have success with an online business. Each step is important and don’t rush it because starting over is a bummer. Been there done that so many times.choose your passion and be in it for the long haul. No such thing as easy money. God bless. 

    1. Hi Jake,

      Thank you for your feedback. I will stop at your statement: “No such thing as easy money.” I have learned over the years, both from the offline and online business, that before perseverance, action steps towards achieving the goal, and hard work is always the Mindset. Here I will make a small parenthesis. If your Mindset is not in unison with your right to have that money or the success you want, you will never have it no matter how hard you work. Or you can have them, but the road to get them will be full of obstacles. The best examples are those people who make money easily and others who struggle in the process. To relate this example to my article, anyone can use these steps, but only Mindset will dictate the direction of their business.

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